Peachtree does not offer you the option to set up sub-accounts under various account headings QuickBooks offers you the option to set up sub-accounts under various account headings, so that you can track expenses not only by the type, such as travel, but also the types of things you may need to purchase while traveling, like meals, car rental, hotels and petty cash. This way, all of these sub-accounts show up under the travel heading, making reports easier to read. You can add sub-accounts to any parent account in your chart of accounts
Historically, Sage products are viewed as catering toward users who have backgrounds in accounting or finance whereas QuickBooks has a reputation for being more intuitive and user-friendly


Peachtree is really strong inventory management solution.  Peachtree can manage inventory by LIFO, FIFO, serialized and average costing Inventory control is where QuickBooks falls short. It only works in average costing
Peachtree (PT) is oriented more to the needs of an accounting professional QuickBooks (QB) is better suited to a small business owner’s need for immediate management information.
PT reports are more period, monthly or quarterly, in their data display. QB has a more flexible reporting scheme. It is the only program that will produce daily reports, that is one day’s transactions at a time. QB has a stronger report filtering function
Peachtree has no Multi-Currency Feature QuickBooks’ multi-Currency feature enables you to assign a specific currency type to multiple profiles and accounts